Monday 1 July 2013

Stretch That Arm Just A Little Bit Higher, Selena Gomez, And Other News

- Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is actually happening. [Lainey Gossip]
- Reports of the Canadian Apocalypse have been greatly exaggerated. It was just a rehearsal. [Dlisted]
- Hot Girls In The Middle of Nowhere [theCHIVE]
- Channing Tatum describing his daughter’s birth will Skarsgard a baby in you. [tooFab]
- Justin Bieber seems exactly mature to handle marriage. [Fishwrapper]
- King Joffrey was inspired by… Fern Gully? [BuzzFeed]
- Olivia Munn is breasty. [Popoholic]
- There’s something called “Miss Hooters International.” [IDLYITW]
- Candice Swanepoel in lingerie? [Hollywood Tuna]
- Anna Kendrick‘s new movie seems full of quality acting. [Celebslam]
- Naya Rivera‘s in a bikini. [DrunkenStepfather: Site is NSFW]
- “Waterfalls” didn’t need a remix, and nobody asked for one. [Amy Grindhouse]
- Burnsy’s White House Down storyboards > White House Down. [FilmDrunk]
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